Young children inspect bee hives under the supervision of an adult.

The Healthia Bee Colony

The HealthiaBee Colony is a collective of like minded people who want to save the bees and supports Thia’s belief that together we can make a difference! The colony will communicate via social media and the HealthiaBee website to help spread the word, discuss, educate and share information on what each of us can do to help.


Just as in a bee colony, the whole hive works together for hive survival. The Queen bee is not the boss! Be a worker bee in the HealthiaBee Colony

A close up of a bee in a flower.

Colony Members will make a conscious effort to help the bees by:

  • Moving towards eating certified organic produce and buy certified organic products.
  • Keeping up with new developments provided by HealthiaBee.
  • Participating online to help educate others to the plight of the bees and how we can make a difference. (like, share and subscribe)
  • Planting flowering plants to create bee habitats.
  • Eliminating/reducing the use of insecticides in your garden
  • Close up of vegetable crops in a planter box

    Eat & Use Certified Organic

    Harmful chemicals sprayed on our crops are confusing and killing our bees. When you buy certified organic you are supporting farmers and manufactures who are consciously protecting the bees from harmful chemicals causing bee and pollinator population decline.

  • The view from behind of a person walking through rows of crops on a farm.

    Support Regenerative Farming

    Conventional farming has depleted our soils killing valuable microbes and life necessary for sustainable agriculture. Our soils cannot retain moisture. 70% of grain crops grown are to keep livestock in feed lots! Regenerative Farming creates a balance that is aligned with Mother Nature for a sustainable future! Diversity is the key to Save the Bees.

  • A persons hands in protective gloves pulling some honeycomb covered in bees out of a bee hive.

    Support Sustainable Beekeeping

    Our beekeepers in Australia are facing tremendous adversity. Our bees and pollinators are weakened by loss of habitat, chemicals sprayed on crops, pests and diseases. Recently the Varroa mite has reached Australia and many honeybee hives have been destroyed to try to prevent the spread of this destructive parasite but there is a better way!

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Our Commitment to Saving the Bees

HealthiaBee will support, promote sponsor, partner & invest in:

  • Certified Organic Produce and Products
  • Bee friendly farming practices
  • Regenerative farming practices
  • Development in bee genetics to improve bee health

Our current financial recipients are:

Bee Genetics

Bee Friendly Farming

Soils for Life